
3rd March 2022

The group is now in its 10th year in operation that we will continue to celebrate on the 3rd March 2022!

We are an LGBTQ+ book group which meets at 7.00pm in the mezzanine Café on the ground floor of this shop on the first Thursday of each month. Each month we read a book with an LGBTQ+ theme, chosen in advance by the group & discuss it at the meeting, sometimes with the author present, like this time. We also discuss other arts and TV points of interest.

You do not have to have read the book to participate! For more information speak to Chris in the Waterstones Piccadilly. To join our mailing list please send a message for Robert that is the group administrator. Everyone’s welcome!

Never anyone but you by Rupert Thomson

This book explores the gripping true story of two extraordinary women who smashed gender boundaries & risked their lives to overcome oppression. Theirs is a story that has been hidden in the margins of history – until now…

When Suzanne, a shy 17-year-old, meets the brilliant but troubled Lucie in rural Provence at the turn of the twentieth century, the two young women embark on a clandestine love affair. They soon long for greater freedom and as lovers move to Paris where they recreate themselves entirely, as Claude Cahun & Marcel Moore. Before long, they are mixing in the most glamorous social circles & producing art of great power & strangeness. The world however is rapidly darkening around them. With war looming they leave Paris for Jersey, and it is here that they confront their destiny, dreaming up a campaign of propaganda against Hitler’s occupying forces that will put their love – and even their very existence – in jeopardy!

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